Theories Swirl as Man Wakes With Mysteriously Shaped Wound on Leg


People have been left scratching their heads after a man shared the strange mark he discovered on his leg when he woke up online.

Bobby van Holland, who aptly enough lives in Amsterdam, told Newsweek how he woke one morning with a small puncture on his calf that had formed a perfect cross in blood.

“I found the mark when I woke up,” he said. “I was amazed how it created a pretty perfect cross.”

In the accompanying picture, it was clear that the mark had shaped to look almost like a crucifix—and Bobby was sure it was the perfect thing to share on Reddit’s r/weird sub.

A picture of the mark that has sparked wild theories online after a man shared how he woke with it on his leg.

The r/weird subreddit has more than 1.2 million members and is a space where people are encouraged to share weird, strange, odd and bizarre things.

“It doesn’t hurt or anything,” Van Holland said, but he did say he was going to get it checked out. “I’m seeing a doctor tomorrow, it doesn’t hurt or anything it’s just weird. Just to rule at any type of infection from a bite.”

With more than 12,000 upvotes and over 2,000 comments, the Reddit post was met with a mix of humor and speculation. EffingBarbas joked: “When you enter a church, do all of the candles simultaneously blow out and does the holy water start to mysteriously boil? If so, you may be entitled to compensation. Call your personal injury lawyer today.”

Reddit user Atomic_Killjoy had a playful yet mysterious take, suggesting: “Your cat is trying to sacrifice you, dude.”

The_Bitter_Jesus took a supernatural approach, stating: “The Satan kissed you on the leg. Nothing to worry about. He’s your friend.”

Meanwhile, emotionalshoes presented two contrasting possibilities: “Ok, you’ve got two options. 1. You’ve been marked by the devil and or some other creature/thing/concept which is vaguely satanic. 2. You got poked/scratched and it bled without you noticing. It then rubbed against your sheets in such a specific way that the blood spread like that.”

“You may narrowly have avoided the devil or a vampire or both,” said MaybeTheDoctor. While Ammonia13 had a more rational explanation: “I think it’s possible he scratched a mosquito bite in his sleep, Made it bleed, and it’s a coincidence.”

Others were even skeptical that the poster had created the mark on purpose to share on Reddit, but he clarified that he doesn’t know where the mark came from.

“I love seeing stuff like this on the /weird page so thought let’s share this,” he said. “[I] never thought so many people would react.”