Dachshund Very Unimpressed at Being Woken Up Early: ‘This Is a Nightmare’


A social media video that captures a dog’s unamused expression after being woken up early for a walk on a cold and dark morning has left the internet in hysterics.

The viral video, which has been viewed more than 33,000 times since it was first shared to TikTok on December 18, introduced social media users to Nora the Swedish dachshund puppy and her love to sleep in on mornings. The chocolate-colored sausage dog can be seen sitting comfortably in her owner’s arms after being woken up, with an unmistakably confused look on her face.

“Nora has always been more of a sleepyhead in the mornings and she’s never the one to wake us up for her morning routine,” Nora’s owner, Linn Hodell, told Newsweek.

“It’s always us waking her up, even though she’s still groggy and would rather continue sleeping. This becomes even more pronounced during the colder and darker Swedish winters. The video I shared shows one of these recent mornings how reluctant Nora is to leave her warm, cozy bed for the chilly outdoors,” she added.

Nora the 9-month-old dachshund hates waking up early. Her owner, Linn Hodell, told Newsweek all about her puppy’s penchant to sleep in.
@noradachshund / Linn Hodell

The internet-famous sausage dog lives in Stockholm with 26-year-old Hodell and her boyfriend.

Hodell told Newsweek that getting a dog had always been a “lifelong dream” of hers. Her dream finally came true in May 2023 when the couple bought their “soul dog” Nora home.

The post had been captioned: “When your [human] wakes you up for your morning wee.”

“Am I still dreaming? Then this is a nightmare,” Hodell added under the post.

What Do the Comments Say?

Since it had been shared to the social media platform on December 18 by @noradachshund, an account managed by Hodell to share sweet videos of her pet, the TikTok post has been liked by over 2,600 users.

A few users shared their own similar experiences of their pets favoring a snooze over an early morning walk, while others simply gushed over the dachshund puppy.

“This is my [dachshund] pup on my office days when I have to wake him at 6.30 for a walk,” one user wrote.

Another user added: “Mine gets so upset when I wake him up”.

“Those sleepy eyes,” shared a third TikToker.

The TikTok post can be seen here.

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