Wife Asks ‘Should I Be Worried’ After Discovering How Husband Gets To Sleep


A woman has revealed the unusual noise her husband relies on to help himself drift off to sleep.

There was a time when quiet was seen as a key component of any healthy bedtime regimen but things are changing. These days, noise plays a role in getting a good night’s rest for many Americans.

A 2023 survey of 1,200 U.S. adults conducted by Pollfish on behalf of sleep wellness company The Sleep Doctor, found that 52 percent of those surveyed rely on background noise to sleep.

Among those who relied on noise, 40.4 percent listened to music, 40.1 percent put nature sounds on and 33.3 percent fell asleep to the sound of the television.

One man in Turkey does things a little differently though, as his wife revealed in a video posted to TikTok under the handle blusoho.

In the clip, which has been viewed 7.1 million times, she can be seen approaching her husband, who is asleep in bed with his phone playing next to him.

The sound of gunfire and explosions is audible as she approaches the phone, which is playing a YouTube video titled: “WWI Distance Battle Ambiance.” The onscreen caption on her video reads: “Should I be worried about my husband falling asleep to the sound of war???”

This is no one-off either, in a video shared with Newsweek, blusoho, who asked to be referred to by her TikTok handle rather than her real name, revealed another instance where she caught her other half napping on the couch while a similar video of manufactured battleground noise plays on the television.

“Sometimes he takes short naps, but this is the first time I’ve seen him sleep like this in seven months of marriage,” she told Newsweek. “Apparently he was sleeping with the sound of war to relax from time to time.”

TikToker BluSoho revealed her husband’s unusual sleeping arrangements. He told her he finds it relaxing.

Blu Soho

Blusoho said her husband told her he has been listening to war sounds to sleep “since high school” and attributes it to his love of video games. “He is not that a big gamer, but he loves playing games, especially war games,” she said. Blusoho said that he used to play video games a lot more when he was younger so “probably feels nostalgic” when he hears the noises on the videos.

“He thinks it has a relaxing ambiance just because it reminds him of the games he played as a child,” she said. Many of those commenting on the original viral video struggled to see the appeal in listening to something like this as a sleep aid.

“Why is there even an ambiance for this,” one viewer commented with another writing: “has anyone checked on his past life?!?!” A third added: “I have so many questions.”

Others could see the sense in it though. “I do that too, very calming,” one wrote. “I fall asleep to zombie apocalypse sounds,” a second said with a third adding: “my dad sleeps to construction sounds.” Though some might have been slightly alarmed at the sound of a loved one drifting off to the sound of conflict, blusoho “found it funny.”

“I wasn’t worried but just surprised that this was a normal thing for him,” she said. “I shared it on TikTok because I knew especially girls would find it weird and funny.” She will be asking him to turn it off when she comes to bed though. “I don’t play video games so I don’t think it would be comforting to me,” she said.

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