Watch Dad ‘Lose Will To Live’ As Chatty Daughter Finds Way To Delay Bedtime


A mom-of-two checking-in on how her husband was getting on with putting their daughter to bed was left in hysterics at what she saw.

Rebecca, from Lancashire in the U.K., told Newsweek: “I felt like the bedtime story was taking a little too long so checked in on the baby monitor to see how they were getting on.”

What she saw had her in fits of giggles and was deemed funny enough to share to TikTok under the handle beckysquiggle.

The nighttime routine has proven a source of frustration for many a parent down the years, with the process of getting a young child ready for bed proving more time consuming than most probably realize.

A survey of 1,000 parents with kids of school age conducted by OnePoll on behalf of toothbrush manufacturer Firefly found 77 percent were left exhausted by the battles involved in getting their children to bed.

The poll found that parents were spending close to three hours a week or 140 hours a year trying to get their little ones to sleep.

Rebecca’s daughter is not even yet 3—her birthday is in June—but she’s already proving a handful at night for her parents, who also have a 7-month-old son to contend with.

“Bedtime is carnage,” Rebecca said. “She’s supposed to have one story, but will usually manage to persuade us to read a few. We basically rattle through dinner, bath, stories, cuddles and hope for the best. But it’s always utter chaos.”

The night Rebecca decided to check in on her husband and their daughter via the baby monitor was no different. As the video posted to TikTok shows, Rebecca’s daughter appears anything but sleepy as she proceeds to provide her own adorable commentary on proceedings throughout the story book her dad is attempting to read.

Rebecca’s daughter being read to by her dad. The mom could see her husband beginning to struggle.


But while the young toddler appears to be enjoying herself, it’s clear her dad is struggling. “Watching my husband gradually lose the will to live,” a caption posted alongside the video reads.

“I could see my husband looking completely over it and immediately knew it was one of those nights where my daughter was doing anything possible to delay bedtime,” Rebecca said.

“It made me laugh, so I recorded it to remind him of the ‘good times’ when she’s older. Everyone says you’ll miss these days and I’m sure we will, but it really is tedious sometimes. Maybe one day she’ll actually sleep.”

Though bedtime might not always go to plan, Rebecca is keen to stress that they both really do love reading to their daughter. “I’m always so keen to get bedtime over with, but then miss them as soon as they’re asleep!”