‘Trump Just Looked at Something on a Cell Phone’ – Twitchy


Yes, we’re serious. The Hill actually posted that ‘Trump just looked at something on a cell phone’, complete with a photo, just like they do their other news stories.

Yeah, we know. We’re writing a story about The Hill writing a story about Trump looking at something on a cell phone, but making fun of this nonsense is what we do.

The post was a portion of The Hill’s play-by-play breathless reporting of the latest ‘get Trump’ attempt by Democrats and their weaponized justice system.

As you’d expect, people had plenty of feedback for The Hill and their slow news day.

Yes. Yes, we are.

Right? It looks shady. Since when do you see anyone these days looking at something on a cell phone?

Please don’t give them any ideas.

Again … please don’t give them any ideas.


It’s basically the next 9/11 when you put it that way, eh Ilhan Omar?

Pulitzer-worthy even!

Nope, even they can’t believe they wrote this.

Life is getting hard for the parody writers these days.

‘Look, here’s one where she’s saying she doesn’t care what they get for dinner … ‘ LOL.

Big, if true. You know who else was often seen breathing, don’t you???

No matter how much you hate the media, you don’t hate them enough.


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