Goldendoodle’s Hilarious ‘Red Flags’ About Getting a Human


You’ve probably seen countless clips of dog owners sharing their “red flags” of owning a pet, but have you ever heard what dogs have to say about getting a human?

A goldendoodle called Kevin has left the internet in stitches after warning other dogs about what it really means to get a human in a clip that has since gone viral on social media.

The hilarious video, shared on TikTok last Tuesday, under the username kevinthegroodle, lists all the human behavior red flags from the point of view of a dog.

“Things no one tells you about getting a human.” a caption explains, “1. No personal space. Like first off they are so freaking needy, omg can I please get some space?! 2. emotionally unstable. Next, I swear they have mental breakdowns like every other day. Like why did you get a dog and not a therapist?!

“3. Constant chonky-shaming [fat-shaming] and gaslighting. And last but not least, they are toxic af. Like I swear this girl eats seven times a day and she never offers me a bite and then she has the audacity to say that I’m chonky? Like I may be color blind but I know red flags.”

“On a pawsitive note: my mum always lets me bring at least 2 big sticks home on our walks,” the poster added.

Despite everything that Kevin had to say about getting a human, dogs still love us more than anything else in the world, yes, after food.

VCA Animal Hospitals says: “Science proves that part of the canine brain is associated with positive emotions and they do, indeed, feel love for their human companions.”

Many signs prove your dog loves you, but perhaps the most obvious one is their excitement to see you. If your dog jumps or barks or gets overly excited when you step through the door, that’s because they couldn’t wait to have you back home.

The video quickly went viral on social media, getting viewers from across TikTok. It has so far received over 1.4 million views and 109,300 likes on the platform.

Stock image of a goldendoodle and its owner reading a book in the background. A goldendoodle has gone viral after sharing his red flags about getting a human.

getty images

One user, Heath, commented: “Because my therapist would get all dramatic when I would rub their belly.”

Musictomylife1 said: “Sometimes I can’t believe my dogs are real so I have to go check.” And Sammy Polanco added: “As if my golden doodle is not the neediest little guy on the planet.”

Newsweek reached out to kevinthegroodle for comment via TikTok comments. We could not verify the details of the case.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.