Cat Owner Issues Warning as Pet Wakes Up With ‘Completely Dead’ Tail


A pet owner has warned others to beware after discovering their cat’s tail had gone “completely dead” overnight in a viral video on TikTok.

The video, posted by TikToker @username0712624214, showed the cat’s tail hanging in an unusual position. The clip had over 676,000 views at the time of writing.

The user said in a voice-over: “On Saturday, I woke up to a completely limb tail… his tail was completely dead.” The clip showed a cat “walking a bit funny” while his tail was down.

The footage then showed the feline on the floor with an arched back, raised bum, and his stomach touching the floor. “He was in this posture a lot,” the user explained, adding it “looked like he wasn’t comfortable sitting down, so he kept sticking his butt up in the air.”

A stock image of a black cat laying down, with its stomach and tail flat on the floor. A video of a cat with a “completely dead” tail has gone viral on TikTok.
iStock / Getty Images Plus

The video states that he’s an indoor cat that does not go out and this happened overnight. “It was so bizarre, I called the [emergency room] and took him in right away,” the user said.

Why Cats Can Have a Drooping Tail

A cat’s tail can become floppy due to various forms of trauma to the tail as outlined below by veterinarian Rebecca MacMillan, in a February 2022 article for VetHelpDirect, a pet health website.

  • Abscesses, which usually occur from cat bite wounds.
  • Wounds, such as grazes and cuts.
  • Fractures, a broken tail from road traffic accidents, or a serious fall.
  • Dislocation, a separation between the joints, usually from a road traffic incident or a severe pull on the tail.
  • Neurological (nerve) issues, which can occur alongside other injuries like fractures or dislocations.

Other less common causes of a floppy tail include the following, according to MacMillan:

  • Anal gland problems, which can cause discomfort and lead to a drooping tail.
  • Underlying problems with the nerves that control muscles and movement.
  • Certain cancers can cause your cat’s tail to be floppy.

MacMillan advised that cats with drooping tails need to be examined by a veterinarian and the treatment for the condition will depend on the underlying cause.

“Tail injuries are very common in cats, occurring in different degrees of severity. Some mild cases may require only painkillers and rest, others could require investigation and even a tail amputation,” the veterinarian said.

‘Still Don’t Know Exactly What Happened’

The user in the latest viral video said: “You could see that his posture was really off.”

According to the TikToker, the cat was eating, drinking, playing, and still wanting treats. “So his behavior otherwise was absolutely normal, which was the most bizarre part of this all.”

Following a Google search, the user said they found “tail trauma” was more common in outdoor cats, “so I really did not understand what could have caused this.”

The doctor gave him an anti-inflammatory injection, which helped. A message overlaid on the clip said: “According to the vet, his tail wasn’t fractured or broken, as he did not respond with any signs of pain during the exam, which is why we tried the injection first,” as opposed to an X-ray.

The user noted over shots of the cat standing in a hallway with his tail raised higher than before: “As you can see here, he’s definitely improved, his walking is a lot better.”

“I still don’t know exactly what happened to his tail,” the user said, as the cat was shown lying on a bed, waving his tail.

A message overlaid on the clip said: “Moving tail (yay!) but also worried he might overwork it again.”

A caption posted with the video read: “Just wanted to spread some awareness, but please take your little one to the vet if there’s anything wrong!!!”

‘Cats Have Such a High Tolerance for Pain’

Several users on TikTok were relieved to know the feline in the latest viral clip was okay.

User @arsonhoseokk wrote: “Must’ve been so worrying!! Glad he’s ok.”

Marie Smith said: “That is so scary! I’m so glad everything seemed to go back to normal. Always take cats to the vet! They’re so good at hiding stuff.”

Tati said: “Cats have such a high tolerance for pain that they will act normal while going through kidney failure :(.”

Marisa Garcia wrote: “What a sweetie, glad your baby is feeling better.”

Newsweek has contacted the original poster via TikTok for comment. This video has not been independently verified.

Do you have a similar pet health dilemma? Let us know via [email protected]. We can ask experts for advice, and your story could be featured on Newsweek.


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