3 imprisoned Iranian female journalists win top UN prize


UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations introduced Tuesday night time that its premier prize for press freedom has been awarded to a few imprisoned Iranian feminine journalists “for his or her dedication to fact and accountability.”

The winners are Niloufar Hamedi who broke the information that 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died final September whereas being held by the morality police for carrying her scarf too loosely, and Elaheh Mohammadi who wrote about her funeral.

Amini’s loss of life touched off months-long protests in dozens of cities throughout Iran. The demonstrations posed one of the vital critical challenges to the Islamic Republic because the 2009 Inexperienced Motion protests drew tens of millions to the streets.

The third winner is Narges Mohammadi, who has labored for a few years as a journalist and is one among Iran’s most distinguished activists.

The U.N. Academic Scientific and Cultural Group World Press Freedom Prize is known as for Guillermo Cano, a Colombian journalism who was assassinated in entrance of the places of work of his newspaper El Espectador in Bogota on Dec. 17, 1986. UNESCO has awarded the prize to coincide with World Press Freedom Day on Could 3 since 1997.

UNESCO Director Basic Audrey Azoulay introduced the winners at a ceremony in New York, saying: “Now greater than ever, it is very important pay tribute to all ladies journalists who’re prevented from doing their jobs and who face threats and assaults on their private security.”

Zainab Salbi, chair of the worldwide jury of media professionals that selected the winners, mentioned the courageous work of the three winners “led to a historic women-led revolution.”

“They paid a hefty worth for his or her dedication to report on and convey the reality,” Salbi mentioned. “And for that, we’re dedicated to honoring them and making certain their voices will proceed to echo worldwide till they’re protected and free.”

In late April, Iran’s judiciary acknowledged that two reporters who broke information on Amini’s loss of life, Hamedi and Elaheh Mohammadi, had been indicted on costs of collaborating with the US, performing towards nationwide safety, and creating “propaganda towards the system.”

Whereas almost 100 journalists have been arrested amid the demonstrations, Hamedi and Elaheh Mohammadi’s reporting was essential within the days after Amini’s loss of life to unfold phrase in regards to the anger that adopted. Hamedi works for the reformist newspaper Shargh, whereas Mohammadi works for the reformist newspaper Ham-Mihan.

Their detentions have sparked worldwide criticism over the bloody safety power crackdown that lasted months after Amini’s loss of life. In line with UNESCO, each Hamedi and Mohammadi have been in Iran’s Evin Jail since September, and Hamedi has been in solitary confinement.

Because the protests started, not less than 529 individuals have been killed in demonstrations, based on Human Rights activists in Iran. Over 19,700 others have been detained by authorities amid a violent crackdown attempting to suppress the dissent. Iran for months has not supplied any general casualty figures, whereas acknowledging tens of hundreds had been detained.

Narges Mohammadi has been repeatedly detained and imprisoned by authorities, and UNESCO mentioned she is at present serving a 16-year jail sentence in Evin Jail. She’s received recognition overseas for her work, together with her activism towards the loss of life penalty in Iran, which stays one of many world’s high executioners.

UNESCO mentioned she is vice director of the Tehran-based civil society group, Defenders of Human Rights Middle. She additionally continues to report in print from jail and has interviewed different ladies prisoners which have been included in her e book “White Torture,” the U.N. company mentioned.


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