Woman’s Patience With Her ‘Childish’ Boyfriend Has Internet in Stitches


A TikToker from the United Kingdom has left the internet in stitches after sharing a video of her boyfriend’s “childish” behavior.

In the viral clip, shared on TikTok in January under the username camandel, the woman can be seen in a mirror, putting make up on, as her boyfriend is performing boxing training in the background, sometimes making contact with his girlfriend, who said he uses her as a sparring partner.

As he punches the air a few centimetres from his girlfriend’s head, she can be seen patiently concentrating on applying her make up, until he finally does touch her forehead and she loses her patience, dropping her foundation brush in despair.

The hilarious clip comes with a caption that says: “POV: You have a childish boyfriend.” Followed by: “Forever using me as a sparing partner.”

Stock image of a man and a woman getting ready to go out. A woman’s hilarious clip about her “childish” boyfriend has gone viral.

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It’s widely known that most women mature faster than most men, but why does this happen? According to Psychology Today, it may be because girls usually optimize brain connections earlier than their counterparts.

The explains that in the digital age, it’s common for young people, especially boys, to feel vulnerable to the changes of growing up, isolating themselves, ending up in a state that they describe as “cortisol-fueled fight-or-flight.”

“This wreaks havoc on a young and vulnerable brain that needs to be in a parasympathetic state of ‘tend-and-befriend’ to feel safe,” the website added.

The video quickly went viral on social media, getting viewers from across TikTok. It has so far received over 12.6 million views and 1.8 million likes on the platform.

One user, Jøsie, commented: “Childish boyfriends are the best ones.” And MOODY SETH said: “The way she dropped the brush after the slap.” Nev. added: “If I’m not holding his hand in public he WILL run away.”

Ollie wilkinson wrote: “Need a girl that stays this calm, normally my ex would try bite me.” And .xo..misty said: “My friend does this at work. But instead of pretending he full on runs at me and rugby tackles me.”

Another user, mads added: “My bf really into the ufc rn and all he does is impersonate conner mcgregor and wants to do a face off with me.”

Newsweek reached out to camandel for comment via TikTok chat. We could not verify the details of the post.

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