A Trio Of Trump Lawyers Have Now Pleaded Guilty


TPM Reader EK steps back and surveys the damage done by the trio of Trump lawyers pleading guilty:

My gosh. These are three big names. All three have now admitted to fraudulent claims of election theft. 

These are obviously major developments in the legal case against Trump. And that’s how this is largely being reported, as it should be. What I’m seeing less of, although maybe that will change now that we’ve got three, is just how damning this is to Trump’s continued claims of a stolen election.

This is not Ds claiming fraudulence. It’s not the courts declining to rule in Trump’s favor. It’s not the Lincoln Project folks, Never Trumpers, or so-called RINOs. This is worse that the Cyber Ninjas in Arizona failing to find any wrongdoing. These admissions come from within the circle of perpetrators itself. 

Three of Trump’s key people are now admitting that they lied to try to steal the election. That’s never happened before. I know everyone is fatigued here and that we’ve become normalized to all this, but this should be a moment when the press attacks, and makes abundantly clear what the three of these flips together mean and asking hard questions of key Republicans. “Now that three of Trump’s inner circle have flipped – said under oath that their stolen election claims are fraudulent – do you continue to stand by former President Trump? Do you continue to assert that the election was stolen?”


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