Biden Knows the REAL Reason Hamas Attacked Israel But Can’t Prove It (SERIOUSLY?) – Twitchy


Yesterday a temporary ceasefire brought with it the release of some Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners:

Twenty-four hostages were released from Gaza and 39 Palestinian prisoners were released from Israeli jails amid a four-day cease-fire, causing jubilation in the West Bank and hope in Israel.

Raucous crowds packed West Bank streets to celebrate the release of Palestinians under an agreement expected to result in the release of 50 hostages held by Hamas militants in Gaza.

Among those released by militants were 13 Israelis, 10 Thais and one Filipino, a Qatari official said. 

No American hostages have yet been released.

Yesterday President Biden spoke about the hostage release, and his remarks contained some rather dubious claims. Biden was even good enough to provide his own Community Note for a claim about why Hamas attacked Israel when they did: 

Maximum “malarkey” detected:

Biden was so close to bringing peace to the region that it caused a terrorist attack and war in the region? This is seriously embarrassing, even for Biden. Maybe Hamas waited until somebody like Biden was the U.S. president to attack.


None of this was even happening until Biden arrived on the scene and the White House hopes nobody notices.

Biden should preface almost everything he says with “I can’t prove this.”

Biden explained another reason Hamas attacked when they did while yet again confusing his beloved choo-choo trains with pipelines:

It’s interesting how Biden keeps bragging about a pipeline in the Middle East when he opposes pipelines in the U.S., but that’s how “America Last” goes.


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