Cam Captures Dog’s Reaction to Sandwich When He Thinks Owner’s Not Looking


No food is safe in a household with dogs. They watch their owner’s every move with hopeful eyes and drool seeping out of their mouth.

In the blink of an eye, dogs will seize their opportunity to get a nibble of human food—just as one Dachshund did in a recent TikTok video.

This dog’s owner started filming their pet with the front-facing camera on and then turned around to make it seem like no one was looking.

The dog was standing in front of a coffee table that had a bowl of soup surrounded by sandwiches, seemingly up for grabs. It was at that moment the tiny dog went straight for the gold. But much to everyone’s surprise, he was so gentle and polite.

Screengrabs from a TikTok video of a dachshund getting a sandwich off the table. This dog thought no one was looking and took his opportunity to get food.

The November 29 TikTok video brought in over 280,400 views with users in awe of how this dog was a total gentleman even when no one was “watching” him.

“He was very polite about it though,” commented a viewer.

Another said: “I mean…when the table is doggo-sized, it’s basically his!”

A third added: “A little tender sniff and a gentle takeoff. Enjoying the sandwich though.”

Newsweek reached out via TikTok for additional comment.

Safe Human Foods for Dogs

It is near impossible to hold your ground when your dog is ever-so-sweetly asking for a nibble of your food. You think one little bite won’t hurt, which might be the case, but it’s best to know what your dog can and cannot consume.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) lists almonds, chocolate, cinnamon, garlic, ice cream, and macadamia nuts as some of the food items you should never give your dog. The high sugars and toxic substances can cause your dog to become very ill. The AKC said macadamia nuts are one of the most poisonous foods for dogs.

While other human food items like cheese, eggs, popcorn, and yogurt are fine for dogs to eat, it should always be done in moderation. Owners should be mindful that excess of these foods can lead to dog obesity, a major health concern for dogs in the U.S.

According to the AKC, about 56 percent of dogs in the U.S. are overweight or obese. The most quality dog food should still be your dog’s main diet, but you can also consult your veterinarian about which human foods to introduce to your dog’s diet for added health benefits.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.