Canada, just being Canada, will not charge criminals for killing pregnant victims’ babies – Twitchy


On Sunday, Steven Ertelt, the founder and editor for LifeNews, shared with us that the Canadian Parliament debated a new bill (Bill C-311) in June of 2023 that would have added harsher sentencing requirements for a criminal who killed or injured a pregnant woman versus one whose victim is not pregnant. It was debated twice, and ultimately voted down by a vote of 205-113, LifeNews reports.

Pregnant women are a high-risk demographic for violence perpetrated by an intimate partner, and this bill would have recognized that inherent risk for a vulnerable group and offered justice for those women and their pre-born children who are victimized – even those crimes that are not domestic violence.

The bill did see an uptick in the number of those who voted in favor, however. Those in favor of the bill totaled 113, versus 76 in 2016, which is encouraging.

That is a very fair point, they ARE being consistent in the way they devalue human life. Disgusting.

We’re not sure Orwell could’ve even imagined something so depressing.


They’re not trolling us at all, they’re merely showing their true colors at this point. And when someone shows you who they really are, believe them.

All of this is simply a way to keep denying the humanity of our most vulnerable members of society in order to protect abortion ‘rights’. Denying legal personhood to certain groups of humans has been done before, and we all know how horrifically THAT played out.

History may not always repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme. We have seen countless atrocities committed under the reasoning that ‘they’re not really PEOPLE!’

For something to be ‘unconscionable’, one must first have a conscience, and by all appearances, abortion advocates have had theirs surgically removed.

It’s called a ‘slippery slope’ for good reason. Once you can deem one demographic as subhuman, it makes it much easier to advocate for their deaths, and it is not just the pre-born that are targeted anymore.

The author of the LifeNews article also included a link so you can send an email to specific MPs and petition them to take a stand for those who cannot stand for themselves. This kind of human rights abuse against unborn children has to end.


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