Cat Branded ‘Villain’ for Derailing Owner’s Dinner Plans in Hilarious Video


Footage has surfaced on social media of a cat being scolded for derailing their owner’s dinner plans in audacious style.

In a December 10 video shared to TikTok by French user Lucille Ratel, posted under the handle @lucillerrr, a woman can be seen holding a cat and animatedly telling off her pet. It’s initially unclear what the cat’s crime is, but that changes once a quiche the woman had evidently lovingly prepared comes into view.

For the brief few seconds, the dish appears on screen, and it becomes apparent that someone has scooped a large chunk out of the dish. “Oh no!” one woman can be heard to say, while another laughs. You don’t need to speak French to deduce the likely culprit with the woman in the video continuing to admonish the cat she has in her arms. The feline, for their part, appears nonplussed, having evidently enjoyed their substantial sample of the evening’s meal.

Though the cat may have overstepped the mark, it could be interpreted as a positive move. In 2019, a study published in the journal PLOS One saw more than 3,000 cat owners quizzed on their personalities, as well as their pet’s behavior, health and lifestyle.

The results highlighted how domesticated cat behavior often served as a reflection of their owner’s personality. For example, the study found a link between higher conscientiousness among owners and cats exhibiting less anxiety, aggression and avoidance, while also displaying more positive gregarious behavior.

In this instance, the cat evidently felt confident enough to dig into their owner’s dinner and may have simply been looking for an invite to join them. The owner should take it as a compliment; they have clearly instilled their feline companion with a lot of confidence. It’s a theory at least.

Whatever the motivations behind this cat’s act of food thievery, the resulting footage of them having been caught red-pawed has proven popular on social media, with over 8.8 million views.

A cat sits at a dining-room table. Footage of a feline hijacking their owner’s dinner has had people in hysterics on social media.
Cesare Ferrari/Getty

Some viewers wrote in the cat’s defense, with one user branding the feline “innocent”, while another added, “you have no proof.” A few seemed jealous of the cat for digging into such a delicious looking quiche: “Why do I want to be this cat.”

The fact the people in the clip were speaking in French appeared to matter little to those watching. “You don’t need to speak French to understand what’s going on,” one viewer wrote, while another commented: “Cats are the same in every language.”

Despite the language barrier, many were able to pick up on the fact the cat in the clip was branded a villain for their actions, and they loved it.

“I need to start calling my cats villains,” one wrote, with another dubbing the feline thief a “quiche villain.”

Yet, while the damage to the quiche was substantial, one fellow cat owner shared a similar story that was somehow worse. “My cat did that to our rotisserie chicken,” they wrote. “Like she doesn’t get wet food on top of her dry food daily!!”

Newsweek contacted Ratel on TikTok for comment.

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