Cat Gives Owner Silent Treatment After Argument: ‘Oh He’s Upset’


A cat expressed his hurt feelings loud and clear after his owner attempted to trim his nails in a hilarious clip.

A February 19 video posted to the TikTok account @mew__zooms shows a white fluffy cat sitting right outside his owner’s room. He’s still visible because well, he wanted to show his owner exactly how he is feeling.

The owner told Newsweek via TikTok that they fought with trying to give him a “mani-pedi.” To be fair, cats always put up a fight while getting their nails trimmed. It happens to every owner.

“We can’t stay apart so he’s just outside my room giving me the silent treatment,” the text on the video reads.

Screenshots from a February 19 TikTok video of a cat giving his owner the silent treatment. He will sit right outside the room with his back turned.


The owner left him cool off. Then the two of them made up with the cat getting treats. However, the next day it was back to a fight and silent treatment as the owner tried once again to trim his nails.

“People who say cats don’t have personality are so wrong,” the owner said.

The TikTok video quickly gained the internet’s attention, racking in over 2.1 million views, 554,400 likes, and 1,644 comments as of Wednesday. People were cracking up about the cat’s seriousness of the situation.

“Oh, he’s upset. The ears,” pointed out one viewer.

Another added: “Back turned and everything. So precious!!” The back turned symbolizes he meant business.

However, some viewers are thinking this is the cat’s ploy: “I don’t even know if it’s closeness or if he just wants you to witness him ignoring you.” An unmatched pettiness level.

The owner said once her cat is done being mad at her, she’ll tell him Newsweek wrote a story about him.

A cat’s back turned to you and the ears pinned back might be enough for owners to get the hint that their feline is mad at them. But there are plenty of other signs cats might show when they’re angry or upset.

An obvious one is when a cat hisses or growls, but their tails can also show how they’re feeling. They might swish their tails or it could be puffed up. Cats might also meow more than normal, defecate outside the litterbox, or spray urine around the house, according to Love To Know Pets. It’s important to understand your cat’s body language to understand if their behaviors are normal or signs they are upset.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.