Cat Who Hates Garbage on His Space Takes Matters Into Own Paws


The internet’s latest cleanfluencer—who comes with four paws and a bushy tail—has been captured clearing garbage off the table that he’d been resting on.

The tabby cat was caught pushing an empty plastic cup out of his sight while lying on a small table, in what appeared to be a sudden burst of fury at the misplaced piece of garbage. The hilarious moment was shared to TikTok by the cat’s owner on February 14 and has been viewed more than 2 million times since.

“My cat hates garbage occupying his space,” the cat’s owner said.

Viewers watched as the feisty feline launched the empty cup, and then an empty can of what appeared to be either beer or an energy drink, into the air with gusto. It’s safe to say that the cat is no fan of clutter!

What Do the Comments Say?

The viral video, which has been liked by over 359,000 users and commented on more than 1,600 times, has made waves online. Amused TikTokers have pointed out the vigor at which the pet thrust the empty bottles off the table.

“The first one was personal,” one user wrote.

Another user added: “The eye contact to ensure you understand the lesson.”

Stock image. A viral video captured a tabby cat’s hatred of garbage.

Getty Images

“I honestly wish my cat did this. Would crack me up,” a third user shared.

A different user commented: “clean this mess up.”

“It’s him looking at you. He was give you a chance to move it,” joked a fifth TikToker.

The post by @threenawtycats had been captioned: “Get that trash out of my face.”

According to the cat’s owner, the cat in the video and his two siblings are the “naughtiest cat trio on TikTok.”

Do Cats Really Hate Clutter?

Cats are naturally clean and tidy animals. They don’t take well to using heavily soiled areas and will need easily accessible places to go to the toilet. It’s for this very reason that veterinarians encourage cat owners to keep their litter trays cleared out.

“The litter tray must be scooped daily and entirely cleaned once a week with water and unscented soap. A thin layer of baking soda placed at the bottom of the box will help absorb odours without repelling your cat,” King Street Veterinary Hospital in Queensland writes on its website.

Newsweek reached out to @threenawtypaws for more information via email.

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