Corgi Whose Owner Accidentally Taught Him to Be Quiet Is a ‘Stealth Master’


Whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks has clearly never met Brady, the corgi, who has mastered how to lay low.

In a viral video shared a week ago to a page dedicated to the dog (@bradythecorgi), Brady can be seen creeping every time his owner Kara, 33, says ‘shh’.

The clip is perfectly paired with The Pink Panther’s theme tune and has racked up more than 5.2 million views on Instagram.

Kara told Newsweek how she unintentionally taught Brady to be quiet: “At the time we lived in a one-bedroom apartment in downtown Chicago, and I worked from home in my living room. He tends to drag his feet when walking, and his nails were especially loud on that particular floor.

“Anytime I would be on the phone, I would gently shush him. He intuitively realized that this meant I wanted him to be quiet, so he would tiptoe!” Kara said.


Now, the 9-year-old dog can instantly be silent, which is especially impressive because Brady has a larger-than-life personality, according to Kara, who doesn’t wish to share her surname.

Kara said: “He will put his ears back and be quiet if I say ‘shhh’ and put my finger to my mouth.

“He’s an extrovert, friendly and a comedian and the funniest dog I know. He loves to be the center of attention.”

Well, Brady certainly is online as he has built up quite the fan base with 340,000 followers.

So far, the comical clip captioned, “Brady the stealth loaf,” has racked up more than 364,000 likes since it was posted on January 19. It turns out Brady isn’t the only one who knows how to quieten down.

One user wrote: “My corgi is so stealthy that I haven’t had to pay the pet deposit at my apartments for 7 years already.”

Another posted: “My husband taught our dog to be quiet on calls & eventually our dog would just leave the room when the phone rang.”

A third user commented: “This is really bad for your dog. He may become a master ninja and adopt a life of crime.”

“Mine has unfortunately trained me. He barks when I’m on video calls, so I picked him up and put him on my lap. Now, every time I have calls he runs to me and demands to be picked up. He probably thinks the meetings can’t happen without him,” read a fourth comment.

A fifth user added: “I didn’t know it was possible to train a corgi to be quiet, I thought it was a myth!”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? We want to see the best ones! Send them in to [email protected] and they could appear on our site.