Couple Takes in 10-Year-Old Cat After Neighbor ‘Didn’t Want’ Her Anymore


A couple who was granted permission to keep a neighbor’s cat after they found her sleeping outside in the cold and rain reflects the love she brought to their lives in a recent TikTok video.

The cat, now named Gherkin, had been passed around by neighbors. First, the 10-year-old cat was with a neighbor for nearly nine years. But during the moving process, the cat wasn’t getting along with the dog, so the owner left Gherkin outside and locked her out, Octavia Filiczkowska told Newsweek via WhatsApp. A second neighbor then agreed to keep her, although she was again left outside in the rain.

“We left our windows open during the summer to let fresh air in,” Filiczkowska said. “It was then we realized [Gherkin] had been sneaking in and sleeping on our sofa…She continued to stay with us and after some time, I confronted him about it.”

The neighbor no longer wanted the cat and said the couple could keep her. Filiczkowska reflected on what it has meant to have Gherkin as part of the family in a March 26 TikTok video posted to the account @taviafiliczkowska. The text on the video said Gherkin has become the couple’s best friend.

Screenshots from a TikTok video of a couple taking in a cat their neighbor no longer wanted. The cat has now become the couple’s best friend.


The cat quickly became acquainted with her new home and family. She has turned Filiczkowska’s fiance, who always claimed to be a dog person, into a cat dad.

Gherkin went from sleeping in the rain to snuggling up with the couple every night. The cat sleeps on the bed like royalty and her queen status doesn’t stop there. The couple has underfloor heating to keep Gherkin’s toes warm. Jealousy would be an understatement.

“No more staying in the rain for her,” Filiczkowska said. “She is so loved.”

How Viewers Reacted

The TikTok video had more than 78,600 views, 13,700 likes and 380 comments as of Wednesday. People fell in love with the couple’s dedication to giving the cat a loving home where she is wanted.

“She is so happy that you chose her,” wrote one viewer. The owner replied that the cat picked them.

“You’re a good person. Looks one very content and happy cat,” said another.

A third TikTok user commented: “Read this twice: Your pet will be just a chapter in your book, but to them, you’re the whole book.”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our “Pet of the Week” lineup.