Dog Jumps out the Window of Moving Car As Soon as She Arrives at ‘Besties’


An eager dog’s response to visiting her friend’s home has sent shudders among many people online.

A viral TikTok video shared by user Isabella Pina showed a Goldendoodle (a cross between a golden retriever and a poodle) looking out of an open window as the car they were in traveled down a street. As the vehicle approached the house, the pooch leaped through the window from the car seat and landed on the ground in a smooth motion.

In the remaining seconds, the dog could be seen racing towards the home—seemingly with a gleeful attitude.

A stock image of a Goldendoodle. An eager dog’s response to visiting her friend’s home has sent shudders among many people online.

The caption on the video read: “My dog the second she arrives at her besties.”

Jumping is a natural expression of excitement from dogs, according to the American Kennel Club. Pet Keen, a website dedicated to pet health, stated that 70 percent of U.S. households owned at least one pet in 2022.

It added: “This equates to 90.5 million homes across the country. Out of those 90.5 million, 69 million own at least one dog, making dogs the most popular pet choice. The second most popular pet is a cat, with 45.3 homes owning at least one feline.”

Since being shared on May 13, the post has attracted an estimated 8.6 million views and more than 1.7 million likes.

The majority of people who commented on the video expressed concern about their dog doing the same with others highlighting the risks of such actions.

TikTok user Ashley Danus said: “The good news [is] you don’t gotta waste time stopping to drop her off.”

Hillary added: “And this is why I have my dog [leashed] in the car with a harness seat belt.”

Allison Brannen was also cautious, commenting: “Please be careful. I’ve seen a bunch of dogs come into the ER with injuries from jumping out the car window.” Mercygrace posted: “My heart skipped a beat when she went out the window.”

Pina agreed with the sentiment and shared: “Mine did too, window is staying up now.”

Newsweek has contacted Pina for comment via email.

Online content featuring misbehaving dogs has gone on to attract millions of views on popular social media channels.

Earlier this month, a golden retriever’s owner was left horrified after her dog became unrecognizable after rolling in thick mud, forcing her to spend days cleaning up afterward.

The expletive-ridden video of 1-year-old Hank covering himself in mud was shared by his owner Kaela Cardillo on her TikTok account.

She told Newsweek that “it took days to get him clean” after.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.


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