Dog Rescued From Meat Trade With Just Three Teeth Finds Love and Acceptance


A rescue dog who was left with just three teeth after being saved from the meat trade in China has found love and acceptance thousands of miles away.

Lisa Garner, from Shropshire in the U.K., adopted Dottie the poodle through a local rescue service, after learning about her difficult start to life. “She’s the most special, loving little girl, which, given her start to life, is quite amazing,” Garner told Newsweek.

Dog and cat meat is a popular delicacy in certain regions of China, such as Yulin in the Guangxi province. Each year, the city hosts its annual Dog Meat Festival, an event that draws criticism around the world.

Despite this, dog, and cat, meat remains popular with locals. A 2023 Statista survey found 73 percent of Yulin region residents said that they ate dog or cat meat once or several times a year.

China isn’t alone in this respect either, with dog meat also consumed in countries like South Korea, Indonesia and Vietnam. The Humane Society International estimates that as many as 30 million dogs are killed for human consumption across Asia, with thousands of canines forced into cramped conditions on trucks. In countries like South Korea, the animals are bred on special dog-meat farms.

Though Garner doesn’t know the specifics of what Dottie went through, it is clear that, at one time in her life, she was facing an unimaginable fate. Thankfully, she is one of the lucky ones, now safe and living a life thousands of miles from the horrors she once knew.

Dottie the rescue poodle sits in a purple harness. She was saved from the meat trade and now leads a happy life over in the U.K.

Lisa Garner

However, what Dottie went through left its impact on her. Weighing in at just 2 kilograms [4.4 pounds] and with only three teeth in her mouth, the 7-year-old pup took a little time to adjust after Garner adopted her a year ago.

“She was a little nervous at first and due to her being incredibly small,” Garner said. One of the first things Dottie was taught was what the words “pick up” meant. “It was so she wasn’t frightened if someone picked her up,” Garner added.

Though it took time, Dottie eventually began to realize she had found her home. “When she started running over to me when I said ‘pick up’, it felt like she had finally started to trust me,” Garner said. “Now ‘pick up’ are her favorite words and she comes running as soon as she hears them.”

Dottie has well and truly come out of her shell in the months since. “Her favorite things are cuddles and snacks, and she’s obsessed with being with me everywhere I go,” Garner said.

Though she may only have three teeth, Garner says Dottie manages very well with them and enjoys soft foods and treats. She might not look like a conventional dog with her cute pink tongue sticking out to one side, but Garner has always made an effort to celebrate Dottie’s perfectly imperfect nature.

In one video posted to TikTok under the handle @puddinganddinkydottie, Garner said how she likes to tell Dottie she is “beautiful every day.” Those watching on social media were inclined to agree.

“Oh my goodness you are just too cute,” one viewer wrote, with another agreeing: “you are a beautiful fur baby.” A third commented, “you are stunning,” with a fourth posting: “Miss Dottie you are a beauty queen.”

Dottie the 7-year-old poodle.
Dottie the 7-year-old poodle. The rescue pooch took time to adjust to her new life.

Lisa Garner

Dottie still struggles with some things. “Dottie has separation anxiety and hates being left, even for five minutes, so she goes to most places with me,” Garner said. However, the little dog is about as content as she could possibly be.

“She sleeps on my pillow at night, and it’s lovely to watch her sleep so peacefully,” Garner said. There simply isn’t a thing the owner would change about her, and Garner hopes the videos and pictures she posts of Dottie online show that.

“She is just the most adorable, funny, cheeky and loving little dog you could ever wish to meet,” Garner said. “For me, Dottie just shows how wonderful rescue dogs are when they are given a chance and a family of their own.”

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