Driver Saying ‘Pedal Keeps Getting Stuck’ Can’t Believe What Mechanic Finds


A driver who dropped the car off at the mechanic after claiming the pedal kept getting stuck got quite the surprise when the diagnosis came back.

It’s not that the customer was wrong. The pedal was getting stuck. But the reason behind getting stuck is totally unexpected.

In a TikTok video posted by user @matt_woj, the driver’s side door is opened and the mechanic starts filming to reveal what they discovered. Right behind the gas pedal is something long and white sticking out. The camera turns upside down to get a closer look and reveals a cat.

The caption reads: “8 lives left so we all good.”

The cat looked unphased when he was finally discovered, although, he did seem a little relieved that he won’t be stuck anymore. And thankfully the mechanic did find this cat. Hard to imagine what could’ve happened to both the car and if the pedal stopped working.

Last week’s TikTok video quickly went viral and as of Tuesday, the clip had over 6.8 million views, 393,900 likes, and 1,087 comments. Viewers were both cracking up and showing their concern.

“Don’t worry the cat checked the problem already. He said,’ It’s fine,'” a viewer joked.

Another chimed in: “Car guy here. Looks like something is wrong with the cat converter.”

When asked if the cat was hurt while stuck in there, the creator responded: “Not sure but he seemed fine, just a little spooked. We’ll ask when he comes in for his next oil change!”

Newsweek reached out to @matt_woj via TikTok for additional information.

While there is no confirmation on whether or not this cat was the customer’s, it does serve as an excellent reminder to all drivers. Pet parents should check their fur babies are in their rightful place before driving off. And as temperatures continue to drop in the winter, be sure to check for stray animals hiding around your car for warmth.

Cats often seek a car’s engine as a dark, safe, and warm place to rest and conserve their energy in the colder months, Daily Paws reported. It is recommended to check under the car’s hood, in the wheel wells, and around the tailgate. Drivers should also start the car and let it run for a while if time. Don’t be afraid of being a little loud. Honk the horn too. Making noise will hopefully help them to get up and scamper away.

A stock image of a white cat laying on a car dashboard. A mechanic realized a cat was stuck in a customer’s car, causing the pedal to get stuck.

Mahwish Ahmar/Getty Images

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