‘Foster Fail’ as Rescuers Trying To Home Dog for 217 Days Can’t Let Her Go


A foster dog has melted hearts on social media after her now owners shared her reaction when she first heard them talk about keeping her forever.

In a clip shared on Instagram in February, under the username peachbearluna, the greyhound can be seen napping on the couch with another pup, when she suddenly lifts her head upon hearing her foster owners in the background (not heard in the video) talk about officially making her a part of their family.

The heartwarming video comes with overlayed text that says: “When you’ve been waiting 217 days to be adopted and you overhear your foster parents talk about keeping you forever.”

Stock image of a greyhound chilling on the couch. After 217 days, a greyhound was finally adopted by her foster parents.

getty images

The poster also said: “Soooo…. Luna is here to stay! We know so many of you are invested in her story, we’ve decided it would be too hard to let her go after all this time and she fits in so well with our family. Stay tuned for continued Luna spam.”

According to the post, Luna is reacting to her foster carers’ conversation about keeping her forever, but is it possible? Can dogs understand what we say?

Dogs are among the most clever creatures in the animal kingdom, and they are capable of learning between 100 and 200 human words. According to WebMD, some dogs can also count and do simple arithmetic.

Each year 6.3 million pets enter U.S. shelters, which is an average of 17,260 a day, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Around 920,000 surrendered animals are euthanized every year. Shelters are striving to minimize euthanasia rates by promoting adoption campaigns, spaying and neutering programs, and behavior rehabilitation.

The video quickly went viral on social media, getting viewers from across Instagram. It has so far received over 120,919 likes on the platform.

One user spiritual_biatch_, commented: “Yay! Thank you! I know fostering saves lives but this really warms my heart so much! I’m so happy for Luna.”

Weloverescuepets added: “We were also a foster fail! We permanently adopted a 9 1/2 year old husky mix who we fell in love with in ONE day! He was with us for about two years, and we loved every minute of it… A very hard one to say goodbye to (but they all are!).”

Newsweek reached out to peachbearluna for comment via Instagram comments. We could not verify the details of the situation.

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