Hearts Break For Hit-And-Run Cat In Shelter: ‘Right To Be Angry’


A cat rescue organization has broken hearts across the internet after sharing the story of Isabelle Mira, a cat who survived a hit-and-run and had to have surgery on her leg.

In the post, shared on TikTok in October by AWF Cats First under the username @Awfcats, the underweight black and white cat can be seen lying in her kennel, meowing at the volunteers with an angry look on her face, and even refusing to touch her food.

The heartbreaking clip came with a caption that explained: “Could you be this fierce if you were hit by a car, had your legs broken and only weighed 800 grams? She’s right to be angry at people.” Followed by: “We called her Isabelle Mira (for Miracle) as one of you beautiful people suggested. Let’s help this hit-and-run victim baby, she deserves a better life and a forever home.”

Stock image of a kitten in shelter. A cat shelter has shared the story of Isabelle Mira, a cat who was victim of a hit and run and now is mad at people.
Getty Images

In a later update on the miracle kitty, the shelter told viewers that Isabelle Mira has finally had her surgery, thanks to all the donations from kindhearted users, giving her a second chance at life.

Sadly, many cats who are in the same situation don’t get the same luck. According to Lost Pets Research and Recovery, about 25 percent of cats are killed outright in road traffic accidents. Male cats are more likely to get involved in car accidents than females, and most of the time this happens near their home.

The website added: “The cat’s age and sex were the two most important factors in determining whether s/he would be involved in a [road traffic accidents]. Cats between the ages of 7 months to 2 years were most likely to be in a [road traffic accident] and cats 6 years or older were less likely. Overall, the likelihood of being in a [road traffic accident] decreased by 16 percent for every year increase in the cat’s age.

The video quickly went viral on social media, getting viewers from across TikTok. It has so far received over 208,300 views and 67,600 likes on the platform.

One user, somnus!!, commented: “She’s so perfect :/ I’m sorry that happened baby.” And SunsoutCA said: “Aww sweet baby… I hope you feel better soon.” Nada added: “I’m so sorry, I wish you the absolute best.”

Newsweek reached out to Awfcats for comment via TikTok chat. We could not verify the details of the case.

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