Jack Black plays Minecraft ‘all the time’ to prepare for film adaptation – Film News | Film-News.co.uk


Jack Black has been playing the Minecraft video game “all the time” to prepare for the movie adaptation.

The School of Rock star, who is currently filming the movie in New Zealand, likes to spend his downtime getting into the “Minecraft headspace” so he’s ready to shoot the next scene.

“Oh, you know I’m playing Minecraft all the time. Whenever I’m not filming I’m playing Minecraft because an actor prepares,” he told GamesRadar+. “I like to be in that Minecraft headspace. I like to know the rules, and I like to get little, like, things like, ‘Oh, in the game you pickaxe like this. You hit stuff like that,’ then I do that in the movie.”

In his trademark humour, Black joked that his preparation for Minecraft is Oscars-worthy.

“I think the members of the Academy will appreciate my research later. I don’t want to jinx it, but I’m pretty sure I’m getting an Oscar for this one…” he quipped.

Black stars alongside Jason Momoa, Danielle Brooks and Jennifer Coolidge in the live-action adventure film.

Brooks revealed to Variety earlier this month that she plays Minecraft in her trailer because she doesn’t know the game very well.

“I’m learning it though. I’m just glad they have people on set like the creator and people that are really in tune with the game to help me because the little person I’ve created keeps hitting into trees or keeps falling off a cliff,” she shared. “I don’t know what I’m doing. But I will learn it. I have an Xbox in my trailer.”


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