Jealous Dog Has ‘Dramatic’ Reaction to Owner Giving the Cat a Kiss


A jealous dog reacted in hilarious fashion after overhearing his owner kissing the family cat from across the house.

Christina from Toronto in Canada shared footage of the moment her Australian shepherd, Winnie, burst into the room having heard her owner kissing Suki, the brown tabby cat and main rival for her human’s affections.

“They are always fighting for our attention,” Christina told Newsweek. “They do have some moments of getting along, but it’s mostly them fighting for our attention.”

Though cats and dogs can sometimes struggle to coexist, there is evidence to suggest peaceful coexistence is possible. A 2020 study published in the journal PLOS ONE saw 1,270 pet owners who had both a cat and dog quizzed on their pets’ daily habits.

The majority of those pet owners polled said their cats and dogs were not only able to coexist but also enjoyed each other’s company. According to the study, over 64 percent of the cats and dogs living together also played together while 20.8 percent even ate alongside one another.

That doesn’t look like it’s happening anytime soon with Winnie and Suki, though Christina reckons she knows at least part of the reason why the two pets are so at odds with each other.

“I think it’s because Winnie is an Australian shepherd and it’s a common trait for that breed,” she said. “I’ve also had Suki since she was four months old, she’s used to me being all hers!”

They certainly came into Christina’s life in markedly different ways. Christina said Suki came into her life “unexpectedly” after she decided to answer a classified advert. “Someone had posted they had to give their kitten away,” she said. “I saw her and was, ‘I have to have her.'”

Winnie, meanwhile, was originally her boyfriend’s dog. “It was love at first sight,” Christina said. “My boyfriend’s family knew I was the one when they saw how much the dog and I had a special bond.”

Personality wise, the two pets couldn’t be more different either. “Suki loves to cuddle us humans, chase the laser, and watch birds,” Christina said. “Winnie likes to chase Suki around, play on the beach, and go for walks.”

Suki the cat enjoying kisses and Winnie’s reaction. The Australian Shepherd was not happy with what she heard.


Despite their differences, there are the occasional moments when the two pets can coexist. It’s just unfortunate that one of the videos to go viral featured them at odds with one another.

At the time of writing, the clip, which was posted to TikTok under the handle suki.the.brown.tabby, has been watched over 2.8 million times.

Christina has a pretty good idea why. “I think because it shows how dramatic the dog’s entrance was, while you can see Suki is very aware of what the situation is,” she said. “I also think it’s a very relatable situation for a lot of people who own a cat and dog, which added to its popularity.”

The bad news for Christina is that Suki and Winnie’s rivalry is showing no signs of stopping any time soon.

Still, there are plenty of examples of cats and dogs who were once wary of each other eventually forming lasting friendships.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? We want to see the best ones! Send them in to [email protected] and they could appear on our site.