Man Snaps Perfect Photo While Wife Is in Labor—but Not of Her


There is nothing like a partner’s support at the birth of your child—just as long as he looks good doing it.

A video posted to TikTok by Kate Casey (@itskatecasey) went viral for revealing the moment when her husband decided to take a scenic photo of himself: as she was giving birth to their child. Casey spoke to Newsweek about her labor experience and her husband’s hilarious priority. Since her clip was posted, it has received 3 million views, over 373,000 likes and more than 3,000 comments.

“When you look at your labor video and realize your husband was having his picture taken because the window had a nice view,” Casey captioned the video.

Screenshots from Kate Casey’s TikTok video. It has gone viral for her husband’s activity during labor.


Casey, a mother of five children ranging from 5 to 15 years old, said that the video was from the birth of her firstborn, Mia. She said she couldn’t be mad at her husband, Dan, while he was having his photo taken.

“We do have a beautiful view from the hospital room in Newport Beach,” Casey said. “He was so proud to be a first-time father, and I am glad he wasn’t having a panic attack or vomiting in the bathroom.”

She added that her labor experience was wonderful, and that she “absolutely loved being pregnant, and actually [loves] labor.” With five children, she calls herself a “baby hoarder”.

“I think labor is the most amazing physical, mental and emotional experience,” Casey said. “I love it so much, I have a bunch of friends in the delivery room with me.”

Her love for the experience certainly shines through in the environment she creates, too. Casey said her friends bring champagne to her labor and watch television and chat, while her husband sits in the corner on his laptop.

“I walk off the elevator onto the labor and delivery floor…and exclaim, ‘What’s up, what’s up? Party people in the house.’ I think most of the nurses clamor to hang out in the room with us,” Casey said.

People in the comments were tickled by Dan’s priorities during her first labor but said they would be angry if they were her. One commenter seemed to capture Casey’s attitude perfectly, though: “This is too funny to be mad,” @ellezyr_mik wrote.

Casey’s relaxed attitude towards her labor made her husband’s act, her video and her general experience one for the books. Now, she is advocating for other women to take a calm and confident approach to pregnancy and labor, too.

“Let me tell you, for all the women terrified of labor—it is a wonderful experience,” Casey said. “I wish nothing but a similar experience for everyone else.”