Mom Who Let Daughter,7, Watch Her Give Birth Says It Left Her in ‘True Awe’


Having people in the room while delivering a baby is incredibly intimate, and while most people choose to have their partner there, a mom has gone viral for allowing her seven-year-old daughter to stand by her side during her labor.

As soon as Ashley Cunningham, from Knoxville, Tennessee, told her children, Sophia and Liam, that she was expecting in 2023, there was only one question on her daughter’s mind. Very early on, Sophia asked her mom if she could “be there when the baby is born,” and she was so excited about seeing her sister come into the world.

Cunningham wanted to be sure that her daughter knew what she was getting herself into, so she explained to Newsweek that they discussed “what could go wrong, and how the doctors would handle it” in any eventuality. She showed her daughter birthing videos and explained the process of labor, so when December 11 came, she knew what to expect.

“She’s a mini version of me, so I wasn’t surprised that she wanted to be there. I knew she would be fine in terms of it being gross or too graphic, I was more concerned about her understanding the risk factors were and knowing that I would be in pain.”

Sophia was seven years old when she stood in the delivery room. Ashley Cunningham coached her daughter through what to expect and made sure she was ready before agreeing to it.

@ashley.cunningham87 / TikTok

“After she watched the videos and handled that, I knew she would be OK. I was happy that she wanted to be there because it’s such a cool experience to see your baby sister be born and witness her first breath and cries.”

During labor, there’s normally a doctor or midwife present to deliver the infant, a labor nurse to help the mom with pushing, and a baby nurse to assess their health once born. But as Main Line Health explains, many women invite their partner to be alongside them, and they’re typically allowed one other person. Some women choose to have a doula or a parent present for the special moment.

When it comes to having older children there is no steadfast rule, but Main Line Health recommends that they should be at least 16 years old, and they should know what to expect throughout. However, children aren’t allowed to be present during a caesarean section.

Once Sophia had asked her mom to be there, Cunningham made her decision fairly quickly and was dutifully supported by her husband. “He trusts my judgment and knows that I wouldn’t put her in a situation that would be traumatic,” she continued.

How Did She Handle the Big Day?

When she told her medical staff about the plan, Cunningham said it “definitely took some persistence” to get everyone to agree. She assured her doctor that Sophia could handle it, and agreed to have another adult there (aside from her husband) who’d look after her daughter if it became too much.

Cunningham continued: “Once it was time, the nurses really took her under their wings and gave her the best experience. They were so good about including her and explaining what was going on and making her feel special. Several of the nurses made comments about how great she was and that she’s going to be a future doctor.

“She gained a priceless memory in witnessing a positive birth experience. She can say she was there to see her sister’s first breath and was by her mother’s side the whole time. It’s truly one of the most magical and beautiful experiences you can have, and she will always be able to cherish that memory.”

So impressed by Sophia’s maturity, medical staff even joked after the birth that she did “better than a lot of the dads in the delivery room.” That’s high praise indeed for the now eight-year-old.

Why Other Moms Should Consider It

Cunningham couldn’t have been happier to have had her daughter in the delivery room, and she encourages other moms to consider it. Fortunately, the mom-of-three jokes that witnessing the miracle of birth certainly hasn’t scared her because Sophia still wants four children of her own someday.

“I definitely recommend having siblings present in the right circumstances, and with a plan in place in case something goes wrong. It can be a very positive experience, but I don’t think it’s for every child,” Cunningham told Newsweek.

On March 4, she shared a video on TikTok (@ashley.cunningham87) which showed Sophia’s precious reaction during the delivery, and she’s been completely overwhelmed by the response. The post has already gained over 2 million views and received more than 153,400 likes in a matter of days.

“I love the video because it’s such a sweet and pure reaction from her, and I hoped other people would see that too. It demonstrates love at first sight and the true awe of seeing life be brought into the world,” Cunningham said.

“Of course, there are some negative comments saying she’s too young and that I traumatized her. But I know my child and felt comfortable that she could handle it, and we went into it with a plan.”

With over 2,100 comments on the video, there was a varied response, as some people praised Cunningham’s decision, while others weren’t so sure.

One comment reads: “My six-year-old was in delivery room with me…grew up to be a labor and delivery nurse!”

Another person wrote: “The concern for you, and excitement in her facial expressions is absolute love!”

While another TikToker responded: “My 4 year old helped deliver my son at home. Best core memory ever for all of us.”

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