‘Patriarch’ Dog Meeting Family’s New Puppy Doesn’t Go As Planned


A social media video that captures a puppy’s introduction to their family’s “patriarch,” an older dog, has delighted viewers on the internet.

The viral video, which has been viewed more than 999,000 times since it was first shared to TikTok on December 14, introduced TikTokers to Lenny the 8-month-old golden retriever.

The social media clip poked fun at the family’s long drive to Lenny’s cousin Bo, an older golden retriever and the family’s patriarch. The footage of the two dogs locking eyes with one another has led to plenty of laughter online.

The post had been captioned: “When you drive 2,500 miles across the country for your new puppy to meet the patriarch of the family”.

“Bo walked so Lenny could run,” the video’s creator, who goes by @lenwichthegolden on the platform, added under the post.

Newsweek reached out to @lenwichthegolden for more information via TikTok.

Just How Should You Introduce Your Existing Dog to a New Puppy?

The U.K. animal-welfare charity Battersea Dogs & Cats Home says that advance planning is always needed before a new dog is welcomed into a household that already has one.

The charity advises owners to take the dogs out for a walk before they get acquainted indoors, to avoid scraps over territory.

“When you first get home with your new dog, don’t go indoors straight away. Instead, take both of your dogs for a walk together in an area with lots of open space where they can take their time to explore and get to know one another in their own time on more neutral ground,” Battersea Dogs & Cats Home writes on its website.

“You may have to arrange for a friend or family member to help you by walking one of the dogs, so you can give them as much space as they need to be able to relax. It’s natural to be excited, but try to be as casual as possible and allow them to interact in their own time.”

A file image of a golden retriever puppy and an older golden retriever. A viral video showed what happened when a family took their new puppy to meet their family’s “patriarch.”
Getty Images

“Don’t force them towards each other and don’t pick up either dog or try to push them to say hello as this could create tension between them,” the charity adds. During the walk, owners should praise any positive behaviors that the dogs exhibit.

At home, the charity says to “make sure any food and toys are out of reach and there are multiple water bowls and beds spread throughout the home to prevent any possible friction between the dogs.”

What Do the Comments Say?

Since it was shared to the social media platform on December 14 by @lenwichthegolden, the TikTok post has been liked by over 133,000 users and commented on more than 130 times.

“Please tell me they are related,” one user wrote.

Another user added: “Bo is busy please come back at a later time”.

“He didn’t even look at him. Such a power move,” shared a third user.

The TikTok post can be seen here.

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