Trump Attacks the Jews and Bibi Attacks Biden


“If any Jewish person voted for Joe Biden, they should be ashamed of themselves.” That’s ex-President Trump this morning on heading into the courtroom in New York City. This is worth everyone taking a close look at. When Trump feels cornered and scared one of his go-tos is to lash out at American Jews. The overwhelming percentage of American Jews voted for President Biden in 2020. And there’s no pollster or political prognosticator who doesn’t think the same will happen this year. So this isn’t some hypothetical – if that happened they should be ashamed. It did happen and will again. While the precise percentage of American Jews voting for each party can shift a bit cycle to cycle, Jews are along with African-Americans the most consistent Democratic voting block in the country and have been so for the last century. And they should be ashamed of themselves, according to the Republican nominee.

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