WH Transcript Runs Cover After Joe ‘Ron Burgundy’ Biden’s Teleprompter Struggle – Twitchy


Earlier today President Biden once again struggled with a teleprompter like somebody trying to eat soup with a slotted spoon, and the slip-up was pretty clear when you watch the video. Biden was supposed to say “four more years” and then was instructed to pause while the audience broke into a completely not genuine chant:

It couldn’t be clearer that Biden read “pause” from the teleprompter. Don’t worry though because he’s sharp as a tack behind the scenes, so we’re told.

The White House transcript people, who should probably receive combat pay for having to transcribe Biden’s comments, obviously decided to run cover for the president over this one: 

Instead of “inaudible” they should have written, “it’s just a stutter.”


The WH transcript people have more work cut out for them in the coming weeks and months.

“Pause” can be put right up there with “don’t” at this point.

Trying to “redact reality” is what the Biden White House does every single day.


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