Woman Checks Boyfriend’s Location—Immediate Regret After Seeing Where He Is


Many smartphone users share their location with their loved ones as a safety measure, but one man forgot to deactivate the setting ahead of visiting somewhere extra-special.

Eighty-nine percent of Americans say that their life benefits from location sharing, according to a Life360, an information-technology company that surveyed 1,200 U.S. adults. However, Emmie, from Maryland, may disagree as she once checked the whereabouts of her partner, Sam, and instantly regretted it.

Emmie, who doesn’t wish to share her surname, told Newsweek that she was prompted to look at Sam’s location because she hadn’t heard from the school teacher for a long time after he finished work.

To her surprise, he was at a jewelry shop. Emmie said: “We were long-distance at the time since I was finishing up physician-assistant school. We had talked about rings, and I knew he was starting to look at them, based off of previous conversations we had had about our timeline for marriage.

“I did not tell him I had seen his location, as I didn’t want to lessen the excitement for him, and I was certain it wouldn’t ruin the surprise for me,” Emmie added.

Left: A screenshot from the video showing Sam was at the Diamond Exchange shop. Right: The engagement ring he purchased. Emmie, his partner, told Newsweek that she regretted using the location finder.

Two months later, in December, 2022, Sam got down on one knee, and a year later, Emmie decided to share what happened with her TikTok followers.

Using the handle @emmmie.kate, she shared a photo of herself and Sam, followed by a screenshot of his location. The clip went viral and racked up more than 6.5 million views and more than 431,000 likes; there are no comments because she has turned them off.

The on-screen text reads: “The only time I have ever regretted checking my boyfriend’s location.”

The couple tied the knot earlier this month, Emmie told Newsweek: “My husband and I have been together for over six years and have each other’s locations for safety and logistical reasons.

“That day, I checked it to ensure he had made it home from work, because I hadn’t heard from him for many hours, which was unusual,” Emmie said.

Despite knowing he was going to pop the question, Emmie was still shocked as she never expected him to propose during her last finals of school.

While this proposal was a success, it doesn’t always go smoothly. One man attempted to get down on one knee while on a boat with his lover, but it didn’t go to plan as the ring went flying into the water. And not all proposals end with a yes; one woman has previously shared the reason why she said no, despite being in love.