Kevin McCarthy’s Thoughts on Other Ceilings


Kevin McCarthy is obviously a big fan of the debt ceiling. (Or at least the Cyrano who writes Kevin McCarthy’s thoughts is.) Little-known fact: that’s not the only ceiling that Kevin McCarthy has an opinion about. Read on to find out whether he likes or dislikes each of the following ceilings:

Glass ceilings

Likes, obviously.

The ceiling of the Speaker of the House’s office

Likes—he’s dreamed of looking up at it his whole life!

Any low ceiling

Likes—they make him feel tall.

Any high ceiling

Dislikes (see above).

The ceiling on racial advancement

Likes (see: “glass ceiling”).

The ceiling of his frat house

Likes—he never emotionally left it behind.

The ceiling of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s office

Likes—especially when looking up at it, while applying chapstick.

The ceiling of a library

Dislikes, obviously.

The ceiling on student-loan debt

Dislikes—college doesn’t make you smart. He should know.

The ceiling on student-loan-debt forgiveness

Likes—should not be raised higher than his ankles.

The ceiling of Matt Gaetz’s office

Dislikes—why is he so mean?!

The ceiling of the Oval Office

Likes—don’t tell anyone, but he thinks Biden is a pretty rad dude. And the ceiling has all kinds of pretty pictures on it!

The ceiling of the office of the person explaining to him what the debt ceiling is

Likes—he’s been so confused. Also dislikes, because, like, what even *is *the debt ceiling?

The ceiling of his childhood bedroom

Likes—everything was easier back then. For example, though it’s a stretch to say that his stuffed animals thought that he was a genius, there was one Teddy bear who once commented that he seemed quite sharp.

The ceiling of Trader Joe’s

Likes—free samples!

The great big ceiling in the sky on a sunny day

Likes—he can stare at it and then blink cool dark spots into the chambers of Congress.

The ceiling of a baby’s room

Likes—the spinning mobiles soothe him to sleep.

Any ceiling in a room where people aren’t laughing at him

Likes, obviously.

The ceiling of the congressional locker that Steve Scalise shoves him into

Likes—it technically counts as a room where people aren’t laughing at him. ♦


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