Cocker Spaniel Reacts to Being Told He’s Adopted: ‘Take That Back’


Owners consider their pets part of the family, but do dogs think of us as family too? A dog in Adelaide, Australia, thought his owner was his real mom before she told him the truth in a video that has left social media viewers laughing.

In the hilarious clip, shared on TikTok in December by the dog’s owner under the username herbertandclover, the poster can be heard telling Herbert, her English cocker spaniel: “I need to tell you something. You’re adopted.”

As he heard his owner’s words, Herbert looked at her confused, as if he was asking why she would say that. She then repeats it, telling him again that he’s adopted, but he doesn’t seem to believe her and surely doesn’t take it well.

By the end of the clip, Herbert is visually upset and doesn’t want to hear such lies anymore. So he takes matters into his own paws and quickly stops her.

A stock image shows an English cocker spaniel. A pup’s reaction when his owner told him he was adopted has gone viral on TikTok.

Getty Images

Dogs don’t just rely on their owners for food and care, they actually love us, according to VCA Animal Hospitals.

There are many signs that prove your dog loves you, but perhaps the most obvious one is its excitement to see you. If your dog jumps or barks or gets overly excited when you step through the door, that’s because it couldn’t wait to have you back home.

Your dog may give you “presents,” try to sleep in the bed with you or follow you around the house. Or maybe it looks at you with loving eyes.

The video quickly went viral on social media and has so far received over 1.4 million views and 191,300 likes on TikTOk.

One user, zochatt, commented: “This video sold me on the cocker spaniel and I’ve literally just put a deposit down on a golden boy.”

And user bluey said: “Why did you keep putting salt on the wound.”

CharlotteLudden_123 wrote: “Aww his reaction when she said he’s adopted.” Rahma said: “Same reaction when my older sis said it to me when I was 7.”

And Diamond Lace wrote: “You take that back right now.”

Newsweek reached out to herbertandclover for comment via TikTok chat and could not verify the details of the case.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.