Moment Dog Realizes Kids Are Going on Vacation Without Him: ‘His Eyes’


A vacation is an exciting time for everyone—except of course the pets who get left behind and have to wait for their favorite humans to return.

Amy Savino, from North Carolina, was so excited for her children as she watched them drive off with their grandparents to get their vacation started, until she looked over and saw her dog’s horrified expression.

As soon as Chewy noticed that the suitcases were brought out and the kids were packing, he knew something was up and couldn’t conceal his sadness. But that kicked up a notch when he watched them drive away, and Savino told Newsweek that he was “mopey all morning.”

Chewy lay on the porch to wave his family off, and he would have happily stayed there until they returned. But thankfully for the poor Newfoundland, his owner had other plans in store as she took him to do some of his favorite things to brighten his mood.

Chewy the Newfoundland’s devastated face as he watched his family drive away. Thankfully for the pup, they were only in Florida for a few days and the family was reunited before he knew it.

@chewythenewfie / TikTok

Savino said: “My kids went away with their grandparents for a few nights to Florida. Chewy knew someone was leaving as soon as he saw the suitcases, but as soon as the kids pulled away, he was heartbroken. He thinks they are his kids.

“I decided to take him on his own little vacation to the beach to cheer him up because he loves the boat and swimming.”

When people see a Newfoundland, it’s easy to think of them as big, powerful dogs, but there’s far more to them than just their size. The American Kennel Club (AKC) suggests that they’re also incredibly affectionate with people and other dogs, and they’re great with young children. So, don’t be fooled by their large frames.

The AKC adds that a notable trait for this breed is that they’re very patient and protective over children, making them the perfect nanny dog. Being surrounded by their family makes any Newfoundland happy, so there’s no surprise that Chewy was so devastated to see the kids drive away.

Thankfully for Chewy, the vacation only lasted a few days, and his family was back before he knew it. Savino said he was “so excited to have the family back together,” and there was so much relief when the suitcases were put away until next time. Hopefully for him, that won’t come any time soon.

After seeing Chewy’s heartbroken face when the family “went on vacation without him,” Savino shared the video on his dedicated TikTok account (@chewythenewfie). The viral clip has already been viewed more than 4.3 million times and gained over 660,100 likes.

Savino was delighted by the positive reaction to her post, as she explained that many owners will recognize the sad look on their dog’s face when they go away. She told Newsweek: “It’s a very sad moment, and the look in his eyes says it all.”

The viral video melted millions of hearts online, and the post has already gained over 1,900 comments on TikTok. One person responded: “stop this is so sad, I feel bad for the dog.”

Another person commented: “Yeah no I would’ve just had to cancel the trip if chewy can’t come.”

While another comment reads: “I always hate leaving my dogs to go on vacation they look so sad and it breaks my heart.”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.