Woman Filmed Boyfriend Shooting and Killing Her


A Brazilian woman was shot by her boyfriend and recorded her own killing on her phone, according to local news

Ielly Gabriele Alves, 23, was with her boyfriend Diego Fonseca Borges at a house in the Goiás region, about 100 miles from Brasilia. In the video recorded on Nov. 4, Fonseca is seen watching through a window while they are both having a conversation. After a few minutes the man turns over and points a gun at Gabriele as she laughs. Then he fires a shot straight at her and the cellphone camera falls to the ground. 

Fonseca rushed to get Gabriele to a local hospital but she was declared dead on arrival, according to local reports. During the police investigations, Fonseca said that he and Gabriele were driving when a group of armed men tried to mug them and shot her. 

“He even hugged Gabriele’s body and promised her mother that he would find the men responsible for her killing and make him pay,” local police chief Ulisses Cortez told g1 news.

But after finding several inconsistencies in the story, authorities kept Fonseca in custody, according to the police report obtained by local news. 

“The police began an investigation and found the video on the victim’s cell phone,” Cortez said. 

A woman who said she was Gabriele’s friend told Brazilian news O Globo that Fonseca had threatened and beaten Gabriele several times before.

“The last time they broke up he told Lelly that he would kill her and he left her extremely beaten. She got 20 centimeters of stitches on some parts of her body,” the woman who asked to remain anonymous said. 

Gabriele’s friend said she had recently advised her to obtain a restriction order after he threatened her several times before. 

Now, Gabriele’s family is fighting to bring Fonseca to  justice. Fonseca is currently under arrest and will face first degree murder charges, according to local authorities. He has an extensive criminal record including domestic violence, authorities said. 


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